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Do You Need A Writing Skills?

Raise your emotional bar

The tone of the article is one of the most important aspects of your writing skills. I battle to write with wit, when I'm tired or upset. The key is to "snap out" of it and raise your emotional bar. Your mood and emotions reflect in the words and structure of an article.
It takes just a few minutes to do just that. Gratitude comes a long way to put you in the mood. Whenever I'm not in the "mood" to write articles, I go outside and seek something to be grateful for. Even if it's just a blooming flower or new leaves on a tree or plant. How fortunate am I to be able to see the soft colors and have this around me? Immediately my emotional bar raises and my skills enhances automatically.
writing skills
Short funny video clips also do wonders to raise the emotional bar. The internet has so many clips to suite any one's appetite. I have a special folder on my hard drive for all the video clips I get through email. When I need to brighten the minute, I watch one or two funny videos. The laughs I get immediately dispel the gloom. The creative juices show their effect in the articles.
Find something to assist you in raising your emotional bar. It'll spice up your writing skills and blow your reader's mind.

Play music

Classical music has an astounding effect on the brain. It's said that it could raise your intelligence level by 9%. I know for a fact it helps with concentration. Although I am not into heavy classics, I do like to listen to modern classical music. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to "Gregorian Masters". The modern day hits with a "hint" of classical flavor even get me to sing along! Who cares... it enhances the brain juices to be a more creative and successful writer.

Be organised

The biggest drawback is to have something "nagging" in the back of my mind. Something needed to be done a week ago, but still hasn’t been finished. It's called procrastination. It completely disturbs your focus and concentration. My advice would be to do everything that has to be done first, before you attempt to write. It's necessary to know everything has been taken care of and no "emergencies" need attention. Only then can you become more focused to be a creative and successful writer.
This goes for the same on your desk. Get rid of any clutter. It has a huge negative psychological influence and prevents your mind to relax and be creative. Immediately after cleaning and organizing, you will "feel" in control and your perceived potential would be raised to write articles with confidence.

The passion shows through

Ensure that you write with passion and optimism. The correct terminology just "pops" up to keep your readers attention when you write with passion. It creates rhythm in your article. Short sentences keep the article in an upbeat "mood". A successful writer writes from the heart. He/she knows it doesn't have to be perfect. Perfectionism is indeed a huge drawback. When you look for mistakes, you'll always find one. At the end of the day nothing gets completed and everything stays as "work in progress". Write articles with the passion it deserves.

Use the thesaurus

I'm a lazy writer... the thesaurus has come to my rescue many times to find more "exciting" words to use and enhance my writing skills. I've found a rather unusual and stimulating thesaurus on Rich Schefrens' site"Visuwords"™
Just the graphics put you in position to be an extremely successful writer! 
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Do You Need A Writing Skills? Do You Need A Writing Skills? Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 1:07:00 PM Rating: 5

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