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Tips for dominating the GAMSAT

Tip One: 

Tips for dominating the GAMSATTry to study in groups as much as possible. Study with some people who are more advanced than and some who are less advanced. That way you get the help you need and have the added opportunity to teach, which makes you understand the material better.

Tip Two:

 Practice as much as possible. Try to go over and take GAMSAT practice tests. Time yourself as well, it will help to prepare you.

Tip Three:

 Flashcards, Photos, and other resources can be made available to you through many different sources. Try all techniques of learning and find which works best for you.

Tip Four:

 Take an online course. This can be a good way to cut through studying material you don’t need to. It helps you concentrate on the things you do need to know.

Tip Five:

 Don’t Cram. Give yourself lots of time to prepare. Remember that going over less information in one hour instead of cramming lots will help you remember it better. The information is no good if you can’t remember any of it.

Tip Six:

 Go through major topics first, than read through the details. This will help broaden your knowledge base rather than knowing only about one topic really well.

Tip Seven:

 Make sure you are learning the right material. Double check and make sure the material your going to spend hours learning is actually something covered by the GAMSAT.

Tip Eight:

 Read the directions. Sounds simple, but many people skim over them and end up making a mistake even though they actually know the answers!

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Tips for dominating the GAMSAT Tips for dominating the GAMSAT Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 4:15:00 AM Rating: 5

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