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Competency based interview questions and answers

When you are at a job interview, there are many different types of questions that may be asked to you. Basically, they all have the same motive which is to select the best possible candidate for the job. Amongst different types of questions, competency based interview questions and answers are the ones which give a good idea about the overall personality and attitude of the person.

Competency based interview questions and answersThese questions are actually very good way to find out a person’s intelligence and mindset. These questions can be guided towards people, work, life or anything in general. By asking such questions, an interview can easily make out the level of thinking that a person has and whether it matches the organizations own goals and motives.

Other than that, these questions can also be directed towards problem solving abilities, achievements (which could be both at personal and professional levels). Now what is the best way to handle competency based interview questions and answers. It is actually not as tough as it seems to be, you just have to use some common sense when answering such questions.

The more crisp and to the point answers you give, the better it will be. Otherwise you risk the possibility of directing the interaction into an unknown territory where things can go wrong. Vague and improper answers could give an impression that you try to make things up especially about the things you don’t know about.  Another important point is not to be negative or criticize anyone as this will also give a very negative impression of you. You can also learn about questions to ask an interviewer to be more effective in your approach.

Always remember that you need to be competent to do the job and that will give you a lot of confidence as well. Now competency comes with knowledge, skills and attitude. If you have adequate knowledge, required skills and a good positive attitude towards your work, you will be a valuable asset for the company.  The truth is that any organization is as good or bad as the people working in it.

Now you can show your competence by the way of such questions. You should regard such questions and answers as an opportunity to give out your best. Making the most out of such opportunity is what you should be looking for. The right mindset can really help you with job interviews.

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Competency based interview questions and answers Competency based interview questions and answers Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 5:28:00 AM Rating: 5

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