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Tips for phone interviews

Tips for phone interviewsAs I discussed in the article about preparing for a phone interview, preparing for an interview in advance is an essential requirement especially if you are serious about it. There are no two ways about it. An interview can be your best shot at getting the job and if you miss it, you may never get that opportunity back. It is always better to spend some time in preparation rather than doing it badly.
Here are some tips for phone interviews you can follow. I have already told about some of these tips but all of them are qu
ite important for you to miss. Usually, a phone interview is the first part of the screening process and you have to make a good impact through this first round to qualify for further screening.

A phone interview can get into many aspects of knowing a candidate. It generally tends to go towards the abilities and skills required for the job more than personal questions.  Most of the time it will be you who would be calling the interviewer at the time set up in advance. It is better to call through a land line because of the high call dropping rates with mobiles. Landlines also tend to be clearer than mobile phones. Make sure that you do not have any disturbances around, when you are calling up for interview.
You should also have a few things by your side all through the interview and that will include your resume, the job advertisement if any, a list of your weaknesses and strengths along with a pen and paper.
A very important part of interview process is having the right mindset. You should be positive about the whole process. Dressing up for the occasion will always help. You will not get the feeling of being at an interview when you are dressed up casually. This may seem irrelevant with a phone interview but this is an essential especially if you have trouble in preparing yourself for a phone interview.  Other than that, you should also have a list of questions to ask the interviewer.  I have already discussed the importance of these questions.
After you interview is over, you can send a thank you letter or email to the interviewer. When you are following proper interview etiquettes, these things matter a lot. These are some of the simple tips which can be followed by you if you are appearing for a phone interview.  You should always try and give your best shot at any interview opportunities you get.  Taking up the job is a different aspect all together but this kind of an experience will make you more and more confident with your skills.
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Tips for phone interviews Tips for phone interviews Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 5:20:00 AM Rating: 5

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