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How A Laptop Changed My Business

Getting on for a month or so ago, I upgraded my laptop for the first time in over two years. My old laptop was quite literally falling apart – not due to abuse, but due to the fact I took it everywhere with me and used it for a minimum of 12 hours most days for the past couple of years. I knew I needed a new laptop but I wanted to save money in my business to buy more stock – I felt I could soldier on with my old laptop.
One of my good internet marketing friends mentioned ages ago that his productivity levels had shot through the roof after the acquisition of a new laptop, an Apple Macbook Pro to be precise. 
After reading what he said about saving time each day I drew some parallels with my own situation: My old laptop was taking upwards of 20 minutes to load up and connect to the internet each time I switched it on – which is a whopping 100 minutes or so wasted each week.

I bought a Macbook Pro

I won’t get into the ins and outs of it, but my local council offer help to small businesses when it comes to purchasing new equipment that’s going to drive a business on. I was lucky enough to find myself in the situation where they’d match my spend on a laptop like for like – so in effect I was able to get a laptop half price.
I had a good look at the Windows laptops on the market but none really caught my eye, so I decided to settle for a Macbook Pro with Retina Display. I decided on a Macbook because Adam raves over his – I also settled on a Macbook because everyone I know that uses one says they’re durable and long lasting – hopefully this machine won’t be falling apart in a couple of years like my old laptop.

I’m not an Apple fanboy

Before I’m accused of showing off my new toy or being an Apple fanboy, I just want to point out that I’m not. I don’t particularly like the iPhone and would never buy another one again – and as for Apple’s other products, all I’ve owned is a second generation iPad which sits collecting dust under my bed. I just think it’s marvellous that my Macbook boots up in mere seconds each time I hit the power button. It connects to the internet instantly, and there’s zero lag when opening programs and multitasking on the machine.
After reading Adam’s blog I was confident that a Macbook would help to make me even more productive than before – and I have not been disappointed. I probably get another 30 minutes or so of work in each day, which can only be good for business!
The lesson to take from this post is that technology can be your best friend, but it can also be your worst enemy if you’re working on an out-dated machine, or using an obsolete piece of software. Audit where time and money can be saved by investing in new technology in your business and invest accordingly to keep productivity levels looking healthy.

Scopepages Tags:apple, macbook, laptop, new macbook, demo, new, notebook, unboxing, samsung, review, macbook review, iphone, macbook pro (computer)
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How A Laptop Changed My Business How A Laptop Changed My Business Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 3:32:00 AM Rating: 5

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