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Improve Time Management With These Tools

Technological Tools That Can Maximize, Improve and Help Manage Your Time

Technological Tools That Can Maximize, Improve and Help Manage Your Time
In the fast-paced world that we are living in today, it has become crucial for people to improve time management skills in order to strike a balance between a successful career and a happy personal life. Due to the apparent lack of time, many of us have had to sacrifice either of the two.
For example, some choose to have a career and not have a family. Others prefer to let go of their professional dreams in favor of raising children at home. If you can improve time management skills, there is no reason why you can’t have it all and still enjoy success and happiness.
One of the good things about living in a technologically-advanced society is that we have easy access to devices and gadgets that can help us improve time management, such as the following useful tools:


Basically, HiTask is an online organizer that allows you to list, sort and prioritize the tasks the you need to finish every single day. This software program comes in two versions — the free version and the premium one, which can be used for a reasonable fee.
The system used by HiTask is very efficient. The only downside is that you need to be online in order to use it. But since most of us are already online all day anyway, this can be a very practical way to improve time management for most people.


A very popular gadget for playing music, an iPod can also be used to improve time management. By design, an iPod is not really meant to be a digital planner or organizer, but it is possible to download text-based lists onto it, which you can use as an electric notepad for jotting down things that you need to do.

Microsoft Outlook

Most people use Microsoft Outlook only for sending or receiving email, but this program actually comes with several other features that can help improve time management. The calendar feature, for instance, is a very powerful time management tool that will not only store a well-organized list of things you need to do, but will also let you know of upcoming deadlines or events.

Mobile Phones

Nobody leaves the house these days without carrying a mobile phone, and this makes it a very practical device to use for managing time efficiently no matter where you are.

Personal Digital Assistants

More commonly known as PDAs, these handy devices come with built-in calendars and to-do list programs that are very efficient. You can even connect these gadgets to your computer in order to organize your tasks even more systematically.

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Improve Time Management With These Tools Improve Time Management With These Tools Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 8:36:00 AM Rating: 5

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