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How to authorize your PC with iTunes

authorize your PC with iTunesAs all iPhone users know, you need to authorize your PC (be it Mac, Windows or both) before you connect your handset to iTunes. What authorizes here means is that you give it permission to access your data on the phone, like apps, books, music and movie you buy. For stuff you buy out of iTunes, like songs from your CD, authorization is unnecessaryAnother thing needs nothing, you can not authorize unlimited computers. In fact, you can only authorize up to 5 computers. If you need more PC to authorize, their authorization is required on one of those that has already been authorized.Here I will walk you through the authorize and deauthorize process. It’s in fact very simple and really easy to follow.

How to deauthorize a PC

  1. Fire up iTunes. Make sure you have installed it on the PC.
  2. Select the store from the menu bar, then click on authorize this computer.
  3. Enter your Apple ID and password.
Tip, to see the number of computers you have authorized, just go to Apple ID Summary section.

deauthorize a PCHow to deauthorize a PC

It’s important to deauthorize a PC if you want to sell it, or give it to others. Because you won’t have any control over it anymore and you do not want others to play with your purchases. Deauthorize a computer does not delete any of your content. You just could not  play them on the PC.

  1. Open iTunes on one of your authorized computer.
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
  3. Click on store in the menu bar
  4. Choose deauthorize this computer. Choose to deauthorize all if you want to deauthorize a computer you do not have access to, for example, sold ones.
Tip, deauthorize all won’t appear until you have more than 2 authorized computers and you could use it only once a year.
For multiple authorizations on one computer, check this out. For other questions, please contact me on Facebook, thanks.
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How to authorize your PC with iTunes How to authorize your PC with iTunes Reviewed by FutureTechScribe on 11:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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